I am not doing so fantastic with blogging. I don't know what it is that usually gives me the blogger kick, but today it was the snow. I woke up at my usual time of 4 a.m. and as I opened the door thirty minutes later, I was instantly taken aback at how lovely it was. I don't usually enjoy being up and about at this very early hour and therefore, I never enjoy the quiet solitude one finds at the 4 a.m. hour. This morning, I stood on my driveway and I listened to the falling snow and the quiet morning. It was almost miraculous how peaceful it was. I pitied everyone still in their warm beds who were missing this, they would wake up in a few hours when the snow stops falling and is on it's way to brown slush. The roads hadn't been plowed yet so I drove on the perfectly white road to work. I felt as if I were seeing a whole new world, a perfect untouched town. And there is nothing like a gym to interrupt one's peace. Before I knew it anxiety was building from a certain salesman and I was being rushed from phone to computer to breakfast errands. I long to relive the early hours of this morning.
Unfortunately, I lost the charger for my camera so I am without photo documentation of these beautiful moments. This is to exercise those imaginations of yours.
Do you like classical music?
Ludovico Einaudi
Close your eyes and listen.
Don't look at the pictures. Listen.
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